Communicating Decent Work to Suppliers
Communication Support
The three buyer handouts provide knowledge and "talking points" to use in conversations with suppliers on decent work. In those conversations, do encourage your suppliers to use the toolkit including these handouts, with their suppliers.
Buyer Handout 1: What is decent work?
Companies that advance decent work in their global supply chains can improve the lives of workers, their families and the communities they live in, and drive sustainable development. Understand the key elements of decent work.
Buyer Handout 2: Why should decent work matter to your suppliers?
Your suppliers have supply chains of their own. Share what decent work means for them too.
Buyer Handout 3: Using supplier visits to understand the challenges of providing decent work - including a visit checklist
Every visit to suppliers is an opportunity to understanding suppliers’ challenges and build dialogue and support to overcome them. Understand how to identify and act on those challenges.