The Importance of
“Decent Work for All”
Key Learnings
After reading this tool, I understand that:
- My procurement practices and decisions impact labour conditions in my supply chain
- Respectful procurement practices that avoid short lead times, last-minute changes, inconsistent order volumes, late payments etc., also help suppliers create good working conditions
- As a buyer, I have legal obligations to respect human and labour rights and responsibilities to improve working conditions in my supply chain
- Buying responsibly makes business sense: the cheapest option might not cost the least for my company in the long run
- Codes of conduct, audits and certification mechanisms are a good starting point but might not be sufficient in addressing impacts and supporting the long-term improvement of labour conditions in my supply chain. These mechanisms must be used alongside robust human rights due diligence systems
- Building trust, engagement and dialogue is important when identifying and addressing risks in my supply chain, including in the deeper tiers, and engaging suppliers on good practices
Next Steps
Creating an effective communication channel with my CSR and sustainability colleagues will help me:
- Align my purchasing practices and decisions with my company's sustainability strategy
- Understand where the risks to workers are and focus on my engagement with the most relevant suppliers