Decent Work Toolkit for
Sustainable Procurement

The purpose of this toolkit is to enable procurement staff and their suppliers to take action to improve labour conditions for supply chain workers.



Tool 1

The Importance of Decent Work
for All

Explore how procurement practices and decisions can impact working conditions in global supply chains and why supporting decent work is important for buyers.

Start Tool
Tool 2

Communicating Decent Work to Suppliers

Learn how buyers can effectively communicate the importance of decent work to suppliers and gather feedback on the impact of buying practices.

Start Tool
Tool 3

Embedding Decent Work in Corporate Processes

Explore different approaches to help strengthen procurement teams’ capabilities to promote decent work in supply chains.

Start Tool

Applying a Gender Lens

Gender Equality and Sustainable Procurement

Examine decent work and sustainable procurement from a gender perspective. Explore the business benefits of sourcing from women-owned or gender-responsive businesses.


Responsible Contracting

The Role of Responsible Contracting in Sustainable Procurement

Learn how responsible contracting practices are used to uphold human rights and environmental standards.



Learn More

Decent work for all is key for the achievement of sustainable development. Learn what decent work is and what it means for business.

Case Studies

Explore practical examples of how companies have developed sustainable procurement practices to advance decent work in their supply chains.


Take advantage of freely available self-learning courses and tools on decent work-related topics.
